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Google Ads: Search Terms vs. Search Keywords

Understanding the difference between search terms and search keywords is crucial for optimizing your campaigns and achieving better results.

Search Terms vs. Search Keywords

What are Search Keywords?

Search keywords are the phrases or words that advertisers bid on to trigger their ads. These are the terms you choose based on your target audience’s search behavior and are intended to match the queries users enter into Google.

Types of Search Keywords

There are several types of search keywords, each serving a different purpose:

1. Broad Match

Broad match keywords reach the widest audience by displaying ads for searches related to your keyword in any order or combination. For example, a broad match for “running shoes” could show your ad for searches like “best shoes for running” or “shoes for jogging.”

2. Phrase Match

Phrase match keywords trigger ads for searches that include the exact phrase or a close variation. A phrase match for “running shoes” would show your ad for “buy running shoes” or “cheap running shoes.”

3. Exact Match

Exact match keywords are the most specific, showing ads only when the search query exactly matches your keyword or close variations with the same meaning. For “running shoes,” an exact match would trigger ads for “running shoes” but not for “best running shoes.”

4. Negative Keywords

Negative keywords prevent your ads from being shown for specific search queries. Adding “free” as a negative keyword for “running shoes” would stop your ad from appearing in searches for “free running shoes.”

What are Search Terms?

Search terms are the actual words or phrases that users type into the Google search bar. These are the real-world queries that trigger your ads, influenced by the keywords you’ve set in your campaign.

Analyzing Search Terms

Analyzing search terms helps you understand how users find your ads. This insight is invaluable for refining your keyword strategy and improving ad relevance.

1. Identifying New Keyword Opportunities

Reviewing search terms can reveal new keywords that you hadn’t initially considered. These can be added to your campaign to broaden your reach.

2. Refining Negative Keywords

Search terms analysis can also identify irrelevant queries that are triggering your ads. These terms should be added to your negative keywords list to prevent wasted ad spend.

3. Enhancing Ad Relevance

By understanding the language your audience uses, you can create more relevant ad copy and landing pages, ultimately improving your Quality Score and ad performance.

Key Differences Between Search Keywords and Search Terms

Intent and Control

  • Search Keywords: These are proactive choices made by advertisers based on predicted user behavior. You have control over these terms and can strategically select them to align with your campaign goals.
  • Search Terms: These are reactive, representing the actual queries made by users. They offer insights into real user intent and behavior, which can be used to optimize your keyword strategy.

Use in Campaign Optimization

  • Search Keywords: Adjusting keyword types and bids can help you control who sees your ads and under what circumstances.
  • Search Terms: Analysis of search terms helps you refine your keyword list and improve targeting accuracy.

Example Scenario

Consider an online store selling athletic footwear. The store owner might choose keywords like “buy running shoes,” “best running shoes,” and “discount athletic shoes.” When users search for terms like “affordable running shoes” or “top running shoes 2024,” these are the search terms that triggered the ads.

By analyzing these search terms, the store owner might discover that many users are searching for “best trail running shoes.” This insight could lead to adding “trail running shoes” as a new keyword and creating tailored ads and landing pages for this niche.


Understanding the distinction between search keywords and search terms is essential for running successful Google Ads campaigns. While keywords are your strategic tool for targeting potential customers, search terms provide the insights needed to refine and optimize your approach. By leveraging both effectively, you can enhance ad relevance, improve targeting, and ultimately achieve better ROI for your advertising efforts.

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