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Introduction to Facebook Advertising

You’ve probably noticed the ads on Facebook. Maybe you’ve even clicked on one or two. But what exactly is Facebook advertising and how does it work? Read on to find out.

What is Facebook Advertising?

We all know that Facebook is one of the top most popular social media platforms in the world. It has more than 2 billion active users monthly and it’s also the most popular advertising platform on mobile devices.

Facebook Advertising is a type of digital marketing where businesses promote their products or services on Facebook. They can do this by creating adverts, targeting specific audiences, driving app installs, generating website traffic and getting people to like the page.

One of the main reasons that Facebook is the leading social media platform is because it offers the ability to target ads. The ability to target ads is one of the reasons that Facebook has a higher CTR than any other social network. By using Facebook’s audience targeting, you can cut down on wasted ad spend, laser in on your ideal customers and scale your advertising efforts rapidly.

Facebook Advertising

Why Facebook Advertising is Important and How It Can Help Your Business?

Facebook Advertising is a powerful tool for both small businesses and large companies. It has a ton of benefits, but it’s really important to be aware of the risks as well.

If you’re a small business, Facebook can help find new customers and grow your customer base. You can also target specific people based on age, location, interests or even custom audiences like your email list. You can create ads quickly and at low cost because you don’t need to hire an agency or do any complicated work upfront; Facebook does all the heavy lifting for you automatically.

If you’re a large company with marketing budgets to spare, then Facebook can help grow your customer base by targeting people that are most likely to buy your product or service based on their purchase history and interests

There are a lot of different options for advertising on Facebook, which can make it hard to know where to start. This guide will teach you everything you need to know about how Facebook advertising works, from targeting to bidding.


Facebook ads are placed within the News Feed, which is where people see updates from their friends and family members. You’re charged for impressions (the number of times your ad is seen), not clicks (the number of times someone might have seen your ad but didn’t click on it). The first step in setting up a Facebook ad is deciding who you want to see it.

One thing that sets Facebook apart from traditional search advertising like Google AdWords is its ability to target based on user behaviors and interests. This information is collected through the use of “custom audiences.” Custom Audiences allow an advertiser to upload email addresses, phone numbers or other contact information that they’d like to advertise to on Facebook. In addition to uploading this information, advertisers can also choose what type of audience they’d like the uploaded contacts to match – for example, by specifying whether someone should be targeted if he or she has purchased a particular product. If you want to target everyone who has bought a certain product from your website, you can do that!


Facebook advertising allows you to set your own budget with the help of which you will be able to set up your ads. You will be able to set the price for each click and then let Facebook decide on the number of times your ad has to appear on the user’s newsfeeds (All the news feeds in facebook). The fan page that has more likes and shares will get more exposure compared to fan pages having fewer likes, but at a higher price per click. This means that less-popular fan pages have a greater chance of getting exposure if they are willing to pay more per click or impression.

Boost Posts

If you don’t know much about Facebook ads, the best place to start is with boost posts. Boost posts allows you to promote a post that’s already live on your page. You choose a date and a budget and then the ad will run only on that date. Another option is to create a direct ad.

Boosting posts is a great way to get your content in front of more people. You can choose the amount you want to spend and can also decide where you’d like to target your ads (locally, nationally, etc.).

You can use them to promote your blog posts, build your email list, or as a lead generation tool. The great thing about Facebook ads is that they’re really affordable, and you can target your audience based on different variables like their interests, demographics, and location.

Bottom Line

Facebook advertising is a popular, effective strategy for finding new customers or promoting products. In addition to providing new customers, it could quite possibly be used to improve your website traffic. The companies that excel at Facebook advertising are those who are willing to go outside of their comfort zone, who can learn from their mistakes, and immediately adapt. By identifying demographics and psychographics of your ideal customer base you can find ways to reach more people in the same audience. Through experimentation on specific ads and what works you can ultimately create a truly unique Facebook advertisement that will work for your business.

If you’re still thinking about whether or not Facebook campaigns are right for you, consider how much time you spend on the platform and what your options are if you didn’t have it. You probably do a lot of your socializing there; the same is true if you’re running a business. Placing ads on Facebook gives you the opportunity to build relationships with millions of potential customers—including those who might currently be using a competitor.

In the end, Facebook Advertising is definitely a marketing option that you should at least research if you aren’t already using it.

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